[Mother and Crying Baby. Alice Pike Barney; image in public domain]
Readers, here is a snippet from my newest column at Religion News Service. It’s hit home for many I’ve heard from in the 24 hours it’s been out. I hope you will read the whole thing and share it with others who might be walking this journey. I offer it as a prayer for all who are struggling with childlessness or grandchildlessness.
And then one day you realize that by not having children, you will never have grandchildren.
That realization dawns in an instant.
Read the rest here.
"Absolutely unmixed attention is prayer.”1
Simone Weil, Gravity and Grace, trans. By Emma Crawford and Mario von der Ruhr (London: Routledge, 2002), 117.
Karen, this is so beautiful and true and good. And it makes me think about how vital it is that we have intergenerational relationships in the church and invite each other into our lives. Thank you for this! ❤️
Karen, this is absolutely beautiful! Though I have children and grandchildren, I walk closely with friends who have struggled with infertility, and or kids chose not to have kids, lots of disappointed dreams.. Even in my own family, It doesn’t look exactly as I thought it would. I have always felt strongly about investing in younger generations where God has put people in my path. In that sense, I often spend time with kids who for whatever reason, their parents are unavailable. I love the body of Christ, and Jesus who fills the gaps always. Thank you for this article. I will pass this on to so many people.