[Pink Moon on April 24, 2024, photo by Karen Swallow Prior]
(RNS) — It’s an election year. Perhaps you’ve heard?
You couldn’t escape the news if you tried.
But perhaps you — or we — or I — might try to take in a bit less of so much news.
I’m trying. Not in an attempt to put my head in the sand or be a less responsible citizen. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I am what in today’s parlance is called a “knowledge worker.” I’m also a recovering news junkie, one whose addiction goes way back before the 24-hour news cycle and endless social media feeds.
Indeed, I come from a newspaper family. I don’t mean I’m descended from media magnates like William Randolph Hearst, Michael Bloomberg or Rupert Murdoch. No, I mean my grandfather, father and uncles all delivered newspapers for some portion of their working lives. I’m a third-generation daily reader of local, print, home-delivered newspapers. And most days, I watch the evening news, local and national, almost religiously.
Until recently …
Read the rest of the article here: https://religionnews.com/2024/04/25/resisting-our-new-dark-age/
Excellent “counter” take here by my friend Ron Miller: https://open.substack.com/pub/ronsreflections/p/the-news-thats-fit?r=90e4e&utm_medium=ios
I have done the same in reducing if not eliminating "news" from my reading and watching. I don't miss it as I've replaced it by longer form essays and posts on Substack. The writing is better, the thought behind the writing is deeper.